类型:阅读选择 难度系数:0.85 所属科目:小学英语

   Danny, Eddie, Ben and Alice are at the toy shop. They want to buy some toys. They are talking with the salesman (售货员).

Salesman: Can I help you?
Danny: Hello, I am Danny. I like the brown bear. It’s lovely.
Eddie: My name is Eddie. I like the kite. It is cool.
Alce: Good morning, I’m Alice. I like the doll. It’s pink. It’s soft and nice.
Salesman: Here you are, children.
Children: Thank you,
1.The children are _______. (     )
A.at the toy shopB.in the snack bar
2.Danny likes _______. (     )
A.the brown bearB.the yellow bear
3.The kite is _______. (     )
4.The doll is _______. (     )
5.The salesman gives _______ to the children. (     )
A.the drinksB.the toys
